abcdefg100 发表于 2006-9-20 09:43



snower222 发表于 2006-9-20 10:11


心灯 发表于 2007-1-1 22:45

原帖由 abcdefg100 于 2006-9-20 09:43 发表



能不能让程序自动判断每行的行尾所在的列数,然后返回一个数值,之后才定义字符变量的长度,读入数组?貌似难度大了一些..... :D

心灯 发表于 2007-1-2 13:09




How to read data from specific line in a file

sougandh (TechnicalUser)       
21 Dec 06 12:11
    Here is my problem. My file is in the following format.
    It has 5 columns with first two being integers and 3-5 arefloating values.

   file format (similar format with different values)

      col 1   col 2       col 3    col 4   col 5

   5001       1001      12.34   11.34    43.454
   5001       1002      11.54   65.43    65.234
   5001       1003      12.54   54.64    65.778
   .          .         .       .      .
   .          .         .       .      .
   5001       1099      14.65   16.53    12.568
   5001       1100      13.65   13.54    12.545   
   5002       1001      12.34   11.34    43.454
   5002       1002      11.54   65.43    65.234
   5002       1003      12.54   54.64    65.778
   .          .         .       .      .
   .          .         .       .      .
   5002       1099      13.45   51.15    61.542
   5002       1100      13.65   13.54    12.545
   so on...

   That means, for each number in column 1 i have 100 values. Or i should say the column 1 number doesnt change for for 100 rows and then it increases. Infactmy original file has (5760 x 4633) rows.

    Now here is how i need to read it:

There is a variable 'crhr' which returns a value which corresponds to any of the values in column 1. For example it may be 5002 or 5050 or anything. So when this variable has a value of 5002 what i need is i should be able to read the rows corresponding to the number 5002 and store it in an array.

My problem now is how do i make Fortran start reading the file from a particular line based on the value returned by the variable 'crhr'


Helpful Member!xwb (Programmer)       
21 Dec 06 16:30
Are all the lines the same size (in characters).If so, then you can use formatted reads on direct access files
program main
   integer FHAND, TMAX, RMAX
   parameter (TMAX=10, RMAX=5, FHAND=88)
   real t(TMAX)
   integer reqd(RMAX)
   data reqd/ 1, 2, 16, 8, 4 /
   ! file - the data file
   ! status - always old
   ! form - formatted for human readable data
   !      - unformatted for binary data
   ! access - always direct.The alternative is sequential
   ! recl - number of characters incl LF
   open (FHAND, &
      file='data.txt', &
      status='old', &
      form='FORMATTED', &
      access='direct', &
   do i = 1, RMAX
      ! Read record reqd(i)
      read (FHAND, '(10F5.1)', rec=reqd(i)) (t(j), j = 1, TMAX)
      write (*, '(10F5.1)') (t(j), j = 1, TMAX)
   close (FHAND)
end program
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