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发表于 2007-6-15 07:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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会议名称 第二届非均质材料力学国际会议(ICHMM-2008)
会议主题 非均质材料力学
会议类型 国际会议

会议学科 力学
会议时间 2008年6月3-8日
会议地点 安徽黄山市
会议主办 University of Science and Technology of China
NSF of USA (target)
NSF of China (target)
K. C. Wong Education Foundation of Hong Kong (target)
Ministry of Education of China (target)
Foreign Export Agency of China (target)
The Chinese Academy of Science (target)
Georgia University of Technology
Tsinghua University (target)
ChongQing University

会议主席 D.L. McDowell, Georgia Tech., USA, david.mcdowell@me.gatech.edu
X.P. Wu, University of Science and Technology of China, China, xpwu@ustc.edu.cn
J. Fan, Alfred University, USA and Chongqing University, China, fangjing@alfred.edu
K.C. Hwang, Tsinghua University, China, huangkz@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn  
会议投稿 截稿日期:2007年11月1日(摘要)

会议网站 http://ichmm-2008.ustc.edu.cn
会议联系 Email:ichmm2008@ustc.edu.cn
会议相关  科研中国—会议频道  http://www.sciei.com
会议备注  详情请到官方网站查询,本信息仅做参考

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-15 07:05 | 显示全部楼层
The 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics (ICHMM-2008)Dates: June 3-8, 2008
Location: Huangshan, China

Join invited speakers and delegates from around the world for a review of the latest developments in heterogeneous material mechanics research.Register here...
Conference Goals and TopicsThis conference is intended to integrate perspectives of materialsscience and solid mechanics to reach more in-depth understanding of thefundamentals of the broad theme of heterogeneous materials mechanics. More...
The topics of interest are:
  • Nanomechanics & micromechanics
  • Scale effects and multiscale modeling
  • Multi-physics modeling
  • Process-structure and microstructure-property relations
  • Materials design
  • Biomimetics and biomaterials
  • Smart materials
  • Composites & cellular materials
  • Geological and infrastructure materials
  • Mechanics of stochastic materials
  • Inelastic behavior
  • Damage and failure
  • Surface diffusion and cracking
  • Experimental methods
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Analytical Methods & others
  • Other
View program...
Call for PapersAbstracts (200 words) will be accepted until November 1, 2007. The deadline for submission of papers (Poster Presentation: 3 pages; Contributed Talk: 6 pages; Invited Talk: 10 pages) is March 31, 2008.
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