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IROS International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems San Diego, California, US Paper Submission: March 28th, 2007 Conference: October 29th - November 2nd, 2007 Main Topics: - Evolutionary Robotics
- Biorobotics
- Rehabilitation Robotics
- Distributed Sensor Networks,
- Humanoid Robotics
- Micro/Nano Robotics
- Robot Surgery
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Underwater Robots
- Search and Rescue Robots
- Entertainment Robots
AIM 2007 International Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics ETH Zurich, Switzerland Paper Submission: January 15, 2007 Conference: September 4-7th, 2007 Main Topics - Mechatronics
- Systems engineering
- Product design
13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics & Applications Wurzburg, Germany Paper Submission: April 1, 2007 Conference: August 29-31st, 2007 Main Topics: - Robotics Technologies
- Robotics Applications
- Telerobotics and Telematics
IFAC Int'l Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Szczecin, Poland Paper Submission: March 5th, 2007 Conference: August 27-30th, 2007 Main Topics: - Control and system theory
- Control engineering
- Control and networks
- Robotics
- Identification and measurement
- Modeling,computing and simulation
- Integration and manufacturing
- Fault detection and analysis
- Artificial intelligence
RO-MAN 2007 16th IEEE Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Jeju Island, Korea Paper Submission: February 15th, 2007 Conference: August 26-29th, 2007 Main Topics: - Auditory cognition: cognition/interpretation of voice, sound, or language
- Visual sensing and cognition: gesture, posture, face, facial expressions
- Novel interfaces and interaction modalities
- Motion planning and navigation in the vicinity of humans
- Haptic interaction
- Robot software architecture and development tools
- Motivations and emotions in robots
- Machine learning and adaptation in human-robot interaction
- Knowledge and inference processing
- Context awareness and intention understanding
- Sociality/personality of robots or virtual characters
- Innovative robot designs for human-robot interaction
- Human factors and ergonomics in human-robot interaction
- Evaluation methods and new methodologies
- Robotic companions and social robots
- Assistive robotics for supporting the elderly or peple with special needs
- Robots in art, education and entertainment
- Virtual and augmented tele-presence applications
- Androids and other applications
ICAR 2007 13th International Conf. on Advanced Robotics Jeju, Korea Paper Submission: February 15th, 2007 Conference: August 21-24th, 2007 Main Topics: - Human-Centered Robotics
- Human-Robot Interface and Interaction
- Sensor Based Robotic Manipulation
- Robot Vision and Visual Servoing
- Biologically Inspired and Humanoid Robotics
- Flexible and Redundant Robots
- Sensor Fusion and Integration
- Robotic Task Planning and Monitoring
- Sensing and Perception for Navigation, Guidance, Control of Mobile Robots
- Multiple Cooperative Robots
- Distributed and Modular Robotics
- Networked Robotics
- Robot Learning
- Space, Aerial, and Underwater Robotics
- Computational Hardware and Software Systems for Robotics
- Simulation and Virtual Reality for Robotics
- Robot Skills and Control
- Rehabilitation and Medical Robotics
- Home and Professional Service Robots
- De-Mining and Military Robots
- Security Robots
- Micro and Nano Robots
- Robotics for Intelligent Vehicles and ITS
ICMA 2007 IEEE International Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation Harbin, Heilongjiang, China Paper Submission: April 1st, 2007 Conference: August 5-8th, 2007 Main Topics: - Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems
- Elements, structures, mechanisms, and applications of micro and nano systems
- Teleoperation, telerobotics, haptics, and teleoperated semi-autonomous systems
- Sensor design, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms and wireless sensor networks
- Biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, prosthetics and artificial organs
- Control system modeling and simulation techniques and methodologies
- AI, intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control and their applications
- Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation
Robotics Science and Systems Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA Paper Submission: January 15th, 2007 Conference: June 27-30th, 2007 Main Topics: - Mechanisms: Design, Humanoids, Hands, Legged Systems, Snakes, Novel Actuators, Reconfigurable Robots, MEMS/NEMS, Nanobots, Biomimetic Robotics
- Manipulation: Kinematics, Dynamics, Control, Contact Modeling, Grasp Synthesis, Dexterous Manipulation, Assembly
- Human Robot Interaction and Human Centered Systems: Interfaces, Haptics, Tactile, Telerobotic, Human Augmentation, Assistive Robots, Robotics and Art
- Distributed Systems: Sensor Networks, Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Robot Soccer
- Mobile Systems and Mobility: Mapping, Localization, Collision Avoidance, Exploration, Mobile :**Robot Control, High-Speed Navigation
- Applications: Medical Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Aerial/Space Robotics
- Robot Perception: Vision, Remote Sensing, Tactile Perception, Range Sensing
- Planning and Algorithms: Motion Planning, Mission Planning, Coordination, Complexity and Completeness, Computational Geometry, Robotics and Molecular Biology, Simulation
- Estimation and Learning for Robotic Systems: Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Techniques, Graphical Models, Imitation Learning, Programming by Demonstration, Diagnostics
MED '07 15th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation Athens, Greece Paper Submission: January 15th, 2007 Conference: June 27-29th, 2007 Main Topics: - AI
- Agents and Agent-Based Systems
- Biomimetics
- Genetic Algorithms
- Swarms
- Unmanned Systems
- Virtual Reality
CIRA 2007 Jacksonville, Florida, USA Paper Submission: January 31st, 2007 Conference: June 20-23rd, 2007 Main Topics: - AI
- Biomimetics
- Cooperative Robots
- Genetic Algorithms
- Healthcare Robots
- Microhandling and Manipulation
- Mobile Robots
- Robot Manipulators
- Sensors, Computer Vision
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