用在fluent中Solve −Acoustic Signals...(附加图1)里面然后再点击Compute/Write,就会出现一个错误Error: class CxButtonBoxNT does not recognize attribute row.接着Plot −File...读取ard文件(附加图2)的时候出错了,错误如下:
Error: Error reading file.
Error Object: "E:\wentai\receiver-8.ard"
Error: CDR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]
Error Object: #f
CxButtonBoxNT does not recognize attribute row.这个错误提示经常遇到,而得到receiver-1.ard文件后一般我都直接进行fft,很少plot>file。重新读入case,计算噪声结果是否仍存在问题?我试一试plot>file看看是否出错,晚上再告诉你结果。此外,我之前计算监控保存的.out文件经常在plot>file中也常错误,无法打开文件。
我计算了一个case,没有问题。你设置的流程也没有问题,你选择壁面作为噪声源吗?设置噪声源窗口中两个数值你是如何给的?(见图中红色框)我一般可能将第二个数改小一些。你是否有打开计算完后的index文件查看内容,在solve>acoustic signals计算时除了"CxButtonBoxNT does not recognize attribute row.",是否有其他错误提示?
Read in 30000 acoustic source data section(s) and extracted signals at the last 29999 time_steps.
Warning: Number of time steps in acoustics source data file is less than the required minimum 3295228 steps.
Auto pruned the signal at receiver-1.
Sound pressure signal at receiver-1 has been saved in receiver-1.ard
我想是这句话Warning: Number of time steps in acoustics source data file is less than the required minimum 3295228 steps,就是说我还没有算够步数了?但也不要那么多迭代步数吧?