请问”自然频率“与”基本频率“的区别是什么?在国外的文章中看到有”natural frequency“和"fundamental frequency"请问这两者的区别是什么?
多谢!!! 是否都是指的结构的固有频率呀! natural frequency--固有频率,特别是用于单自由度。 如果用于多自由度,那么系统各固有频率地位相等
fundamental frequency--基频,指多自由度系统的最小的一个固有频率;另外,如果信号有多个谐波比如,三角波可以用傅立叶级数分解为谐波之和,那么频率最小的那个也叫fundamental frequency 同意楼上的解释。
侧重面不同。 非常感谢楼上的回答!
回复 板凳 VibrationMaster 的帖子
很同意你的观点,其实我们在思考问题的时候,我们可以顾名思义,一个说自然,一个是基本,基本的可以理解为一个,最重要的那个,这里说最重要的一个也不太合适,可以这样去理解,而一个结构的自然频率也就是自振频率则可以有多个!个人看法。 .
系统固有频率里一般不用基频,也不会用倍频或3倍频,而是用阶(Order),也就是各个固有频率只有序,没有倍的关系... . google了解下, 这个解释请参考 http://www_speechandhearing_net/faq/faq1-3.htm(change"_"to ".")
What is the difference between frequency, resonant frequency, natural frequency, and fundamental frequency?
Fundamental frequency is the correct name given to the repetition frequency of a complex periodic waveform, i.e. how many cycles of the waveform occur in one second.
Resonant frequency, or natural frequency, is the name given to the frequency which is 'most preferred' by a simple resonator, i.e. the frequency which it most likes to vibrate at, or equivalently, the stimulating frequency which gives the biggest response.
Otherwise, we should only use the term 'frequency' to describe simple periodic waveforms: i.e. sinewaves. This is why we can say that the fundamental frequency of a vowel is X Hz, but not that the frequency of a vowel is X Hz, because vowels are not simple periodic waveforms.
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-1-17 15:07 编辑 ]