MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:06

Public ftp archive of the CFD Community Club at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:06

FEMLAB group
Dep. of Mathematics
Chalmers University of Technology

FEMLAB is an interactive program for the numerical solution
of ordinary and partial differential equations based on the
Finite Element Method in adaptive form with automatic error

Femlab is distributed freely to anyone interested. You may read more about FEMLAB and find what do you need to get FEMLAB running. Finally, you may download FEMLAB.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:06

Riemann Problem Package
Eli L. Isaacson, Dan Marchesin, and Bradley J. Plohr
SUNY Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The executable file "rp" contained in the present directory has been compiled on a SPARCstation 2. It requires OpenWindows 2.0 and the Sun Fortran library to work.

The program "rp" is an interactive graphics program forexploring systems of two quadratic conservation laws.It includes the ability to construct:      integral curves      Hugoniot curves      wave curves (comprising rarefaction, shock,                and composite segments)      wave speed diagrams      bifurcation loci (including coincidence, inflection,                secondary bifurcation, and double sonic loci)      solutions of Riemann problems
NOTICE: You are free to use this program for studying quadratic models
and formulating conjectures about their solutions. If this program
provides useful insight, please acknowledge its use in any relevant


MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:07

CHAMMP repository
Access via ftp. Here is an excerpt from README file:

Downloaded from; 2/24/94#chammp#======#This directory contains items relating to the numerical solution #of the shallow water equations in spherical geometry.#The shallow water equations are used as a kernel for both#oceanic and atomospheric general circulation models and#are of interest in evaluating numerical methods for weather#forecasting and climate modeling.The DOE Computer Hardware, #Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics (CHAMMP) program #is interested in the development of new mathematical methods#for these problems.To promote this developmet, a set of #test cases has been proposed and example software and reference#solutions are provided.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:07

NACHOS - FEM for incompressible flows
From Jonas T. Holdeman, Jr. /
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 1995 15:09:52 -0500

I am surprised you don't have any mention of the NACHOS II code by D. K.
Gartling of Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico 97185, USA.
I had no trouble obtaining a free copy. The code is documented in two
reports: "NACHOS II - A Finite Element Computer Program for Incompressible
Flow Problems, Part I - Theoretical Background (SAND86-1816 UC-32) and Part
II - User's Manual (SAND86-1817 UC-32). The code is written in Fortran. It
features triangular and quadrilateral elements, primative variables, with
post-processing for stream-function, fluid stress and flux computation.

I heard that Gartling was working on a 3D version of Nachos, but I don't
know for sure. There should be several other codes from Sandia.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:08

FMS-1D (Fluid Modeling System)
Barry Merriman / bmerriman@UCSD.EDU
UCSD Fusion Energy Research Center
UCLA Dept. of Math

FMS (Fluid Modeling System) is a system for constructing and
numericallysolvingthekindsof equations that arise in
generalfluidflowproblems, i.e. systems of conservation
dimension,plustime. FMS is intended to be a flexible and
powerfulgeneralpurposetoolfor this type of modeling.

TheusersuppliesFMSwitha description of the spatial
domain,and the system of equations to be solved, including
anyboundaryconditionsorinitialconditions,and FMS
attemptstocompute the the corresponding solution (steady
state or time dependant).

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:08

NPARC Flow Solver
The WIND code is a structured, multi-zone, compressible flow solver with flexible turbulence and chemistry models. It is being developed jointly by the NPARC Alliance (the Air Force Arnold Engineering Development Center and NASA Glenn Research Center) and the Boeing Company.

Please see for more information.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:08

From Gerald Recktenwald /
PSU Mechanical Engineering
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
(503) 725-4296

We have developed a free, 2-D CFD program for the Macintosh
called QUICK 'n SIMPLE, or "QnS" for short.

The program combines a graphical user interface, for specification
of the problem, with an iterative control-volume finite-difference
solution algorithm to solve two-dimensional convection with
diffusion of a passive scalar.It uses either the SIMPLE or
SIMPLER coupling algorithms and allows the user to select from
three popular upwinding schemes: pure upwinding, power-law
differencing scheme (PLDS), and the quadratic upstream
interpolation for convective kinematics (QUICK) scheme.

As the name implies, the program is designed to be both quick and
simple to use.

You can check it out, and download a copy if you like, from our web
server at
If you don't have a web browser, then you can also get a
copy via anonymous ftp site at,
but its not nearly as fun, and you don't get to see our cool
examples and tutorial.

We have three versions available: 1) 68K, 2) 68K w/ fpu, and 3)
PowerMac.The only limit on the size of the problem you can solve
is the memory of your Mac.The 68k version (without fpu) can't
solve large problems in reasonable amounts of time, but QnS
really sings on a PowerMac. The PowerMac version runs over 200
times faster (not a typo) than the 68K version, so a problem
which may take 30 seconds on a PowerMac would take nearly two hours
on a 68K machine.The fpu version is somewhere in between, but
closer in speed to the 68K version.

Let us know what you think.

Scott J. Forbes
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Akron, Akron, OH44325-3903

Gerald W. Recktenwald
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Portland State University, Portland, OR97207-0751

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:08

From Matti E Hy|tyniemi /
Helsinki University of Technology
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 19:59:01 +0200

ViewProf is inviscid 2-d multiblock Oellers method panel solver for
Windows 3.1.

It is public domain and available via Web at,
or by FTP at

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:08

Numerical models at IMCS
Kate Hedstrom /
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

For more information about SPEM/SCRUM/SEOM/BBL see

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:09

ALLSPD-3D Combustor Code
From David Fricker
Date: 10 Feb 1996 07:31:57 GMT
Organization: NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH Article: 3966 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics

The ALLSPD Team at NASA Lewis Research Center is pleased to announce
their new web page for the ALLSPD-3D CFD code for gas turbine

The ALLSPD-3D Combustor Code is a numerical tool developed by the
Internal Fluid Mechanics Division at the NASA Lewis Research Center
for simulating chemically reacting flows in aerospace propulsion
systems.It provides the designer of advanced engines an analysis
tool that employs state-of-the-art computational technology. The code
can simulate multi-phase, swirling flows over a wide Mach-number range
in combustors of complex geometry.

This site provides details on ALLSPD-3D, the user manual, and
procedures for obtaining the ALLSPD-3D code.(NOTE: Distribution of
documentation is open to anyone, but distribution of the code is
restricted to U.S. residents.)

Check it out at:

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:09

Unicom Technology Systems
From Alan Hsing /
Unicom Technology Systems
2721 Bishop Street
Lawrence, KS 66046

Note: users report that this software seems to be no longer active and the author cannot be contacted.

For anyone interested in a handy aerodynamic design code, please check
out VORSTAB-PC 3.1.   You can ftp to '', and

   - login as 'ftp',
   - use your email id as password,
   - change directory to /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/aero,
   - get VORSTB31.EXE in binary mode and VORSTB31.TXT in ascii mode,
   - read VORSTB31.TXT for instructions on installation.

Email me if you have any problems doing that.Note: the ftp site may get
highly loaded during busy hours. In that case, just be patient and try it

The homepage for VORSTAB-PC 3.1 has now been setup.You can download
the free demo from

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:09

Acoustic Boundary Elements with Fortran source codes
From S.M.Kirkup /
Integrated Sound Software
25 Smithwell Lane
Hebden Bridge
West Yorkshire HX7 7NX

Tel: 01422 844607

These are Fortran subroutines for the evaluation of the discrete form
of the Helmholtz integral operators for 2D, 3D or 3D axisymmetric
problems.The subroutines are useful for the solution of the
Helmholtz equation by boundary element and related methods.

The codes are available free from the author.

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:09

From Helge Tielboerger /
Lehrstuhl A fuer Thermodynamik
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Muenchen

From Tilman Neunhoeffer /
Institut fuer Informatik
TU Muenchen
Gabelsbergerstr. 39, 310,
D-80290 Muenchen
Tel 089/2105-5375

Here is the place where you can get a public domain solver for the

It is a rather simple Finite-Volume-code but it can solve free-surface-flows.
Additionally there is a book available which describes step by step the
developement of the code.
So the code together with the book is an excellent
introduction into CFD and a good basis to develop more enhanced code.
The code is available via ftp-server:
Solutions of some problems are available from

The ReadMe-file from that directory:

|                                                                           |
|            The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D associated to the book               |
|                                                                           |
|            "Numerische Simulation in der Stroemungsmechanik"                |
|            by M. Griebel, Th. Dornseifer, and T. Neunhoeffer                |
|                              Vieweg 1995                                    |
|                                                                           |
|            The english translation is published by SIAM                   |
|               Title: "Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics"               |
|                                                                           |


- The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes
equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems.
It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidistant
staggered grid, central and upwind (donor-cell) discretization of the
convective parts and an explicit time stepping scheme (Chorin's projection
method). The free boundary value problems are treated with the MAC technique.

- The program was developed for education at a Computer Science Institute.
Thus, it is easy to understand and easy to implement but it is not a
"state of the art" program.

- The files are compressed in
Please uncompress with


Then, the files are located in the directory PRG.

Furthermore, the files are available in the directory UNCOMPRESSED.

- The program is written in the C programming language.

- Compilation of the program with "make".

- Used C-compiler is "gcc" (see "makefile")

- Run the program by
      "run "    e.g."run dcavity.par".

- In the inputfiles "*.par" (examples can be found in the sub-directory
"PARAMETER"), the parameters for the program are given, such as
the parameters for the discretization, for the fluid, for the
initial data,... The inputfile given when starting "run" is read
at the beginning of the program.

- The following problems are implemented and inputfiles are available
in the subdirectory "PARAMETER"
* dcavity:            Driven Cavity
* backstep:         Flow over a backward facing step
* balken:             Flow past an inclined plate
* kreis:            Flow past a circular obstacle
* klappen:            Flow through a T-junction
* damm:               Breaking dam (free boundary value problem FBVP)
* tropfen:            Splash of a liquid drop (FBVP)
* spritzguss:         Injection moulding (FBVP)
* wafa:               Flow over a backward facing step with free surface
* convection:         Buoyancy flow with heated side walls
* fluidtrap:          Buoyancy flow with obstacles
* rayleigh:         Buoyancy flow with heated upper and lower wall
                        (Rayleigh-Benard Flow)

- For some problems (e.g. backstep, balken, kreis) the pressure correction
does not converge in the first time steps. This is due to the fact that
the initial velocity field does not satisfy the continuity equation.

- It is possible to store intermediate data in "outfile" specified in the
inputfile. Later on, you can use this intermediate data as initial data
for continuing your simulation if you specify this file as input-data

- The comments in the code are not very detailed. For a complete
description of the code, please see the book.

- For the implementation of new problems, it is necessary to write
a new inputfile, to modify the boundary data in the function
"SETSPECBCOND" in the file "boundary.c" and the definition of the
obstacles in "INIT_FLAG" ("init.c").

- Parallelization and turbulence simulation described in the book are
not included in this package.

- For visualization, we used the graphics tool IDL. Using other
visualization software, it might be necessary to adapt the functions
"OUTPUTVEC_bin" and "streaklines_bin" in visual.c.


ATTENTION: The program was developed on a HP workstation.
         There might appear some problems under DOS or WINDOWS95


If you have questions, please contact

Roberto Croce
Universit"at Bonn
Institut f"ur Angewandte Mathematik
Abteilung Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Numerische Simulation
Wegelerstr. 6
D-53115 Bonn

MVH 发表于 2005-7-16 11:10

From David C. Shaw /
Subject: Re: CFD Software for Educational Purposes
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 11:38:07
Organization: NeoSoft, Inc.
Article: 5027 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics

WinPipeD (b), the basic version, is available for non-commercial use,
including education, via Internet.Please visit us at:

The source is also available, which makes a great research tool.


From U. Fritsching /
Subject: CFD codes list, new PD software
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 15:09:49 +0100

The program DROP describes the behaviour of individual spherical
particles like drops, bubbles or solid particles in multiphase flow
situation of a moving fluid. Starting with a force balance on an
individual particle, taking into account the relevant fluid-particle
interactions, the equation of particle movement in a Lagrangian
reference frame is derived. The resulting ODE-system is solved based
on a Runge-Kutta algorithm. As a result the velocity versus time or
position versus time function can be plotted or data can be written
into a file.Boundary conditions regarding the properties of the
particle and the fluid can be changed to describe different areas of
applications. The program is dialog driven and is running on PC磗
with Windows 3.1. The new version DROP V1.1 allows for analysis of
accelerating fluid flow in two dimensions.

The software can be downloaded from:

Dr.-Ing. U. Fritsching
Institut f黵 Werkstofftechnik
Badgasteiner Str. 3
28359 Bremen

Tel.: +49-421-218-3663
Fax: +49-421-218-5378
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